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Investing in your home will keep the heat in, and the energy savings will pay off for years to come. Here are some of our best tips for saving money on heating this winter.

Drafty Windows Fixes:

Experts say the first thing you should do is check your windows to ensure that there is no air infiltration. Did you know that windows account for 25 percent of heat loss in homes! Old windows should be replaced with double or triple paned glass, energy efficient windows. If you aren’t ready to replace your windows, any air leaks should be sealed with weatherstripping. While you are at it seal any drafts you find around electrical outlets and switches. Covering the windows and patio doors with a clear plastic film can also reduce cold air seepage. According to Hydro One, that one step can help to save about 14 percent on your heating bill. Another low cost solution is to think about heavy blinds or drapes that help keep cold out and heat in. But remember to let the sunshine in on a sunny day to naturally help heat up your home.


Close the Door:

Talking with a door wide open during the winter means you will lose a lot of heat. Before starting a conversation at the door, either invite them in, or step outside. Check you doors for air leaks. Older doors can have minimal, if any, insulation. Check to see if you feel air coming in around a closed door. Seal around the outside with weather stripping.


The ‘Save 10% Sweater’:

We all know lowering your thermostat will save you money on your heating bill. But did you know that if you set it just one degree lower you will cut your energy bill by 3% – set it three degrees lower and save 10%. Think of the savings while you keep yourself warm with a sweater during the day and a comfy duvet at night.


Watch the Fire:

A wood burning fireplace can keep you warm without increasing your heating bill. But fireplaces, when lit, can actually draw heat from the room up the chimney. This means if your heat is on, your furnace has to work harder to maintain the temperature. So a great tip is when your fireplace is operating, turn down your main thermostat. And be sure to close the damper when not in use to slow the escape rate of heated air.


Furnace Filters:

Inspecting your furnace filter every 3 months can increase your furnace’s operating efficiency. Schedule maintenance in the fall before the snow falls so you know it is operating at peak efficiency.


Investing in your home will keep the heat in, and the energy savings will pay off for years to come. The graphic below (courtesy of Hydro One) expands on these energy efficient ideas to heat your home while reducing costs.
(Click on the image below to see a larger image.)

Top tips to save on heating



Donna Bishop

Author Donna Bishop

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